Bosanskohercegovacki film Snijeg redateljice Aide Begic (njen prvi dugometrazni film) prikazan je u Cannes-u i vec se na internetu mogu pronaci prvi osvrti na najnoviji bh. film. S jedne strane perom Rolanda Kocha i Franziske Jens pise vec u naslovu da je rijec o nadi za povratak nakon rata.
"Ein altes bosnisches Dorf, abgeschottet von dem Fortschritt des 20. Jahrhunderts, teilt mit dem Zuschauer seine Trauer und Sorge um seine im Krieg verschollenen Männer…
..So zeigt sie in einer ganz eigenen Art die Schicksale nach dem Krieg, ohne Bilder der Gewalt zu verwenden. Es gelingt ihr jedoch nicht, jeden Betrachter in den Bann zu ziehen und das Mitgefühl für die Situation der männerlosen Gemeinschaft zu erwecken."
Cijelu kritiku mozete procitati na linku iznad. Za one koje zanima kritika na engleskom jeziku, je dao prvi osvrt na film Snijeg redateljice Aide Begic.
Ovdje prenosim tek dijelove iz istoga teksta: "In the isolated village of Slavno, several women who lost their husbands during the 1992-95 Bosnian War are making the best out of hand-to-mouth existences. With few ties to the outside world or access to modern equipment, they hold their own by farming what's needed to survive the long mountain winters…
…Tech side is very accomplished, with lush lensing and colorful yet realistic set design. Editing could be better paced, and some trimming earlier on could help move things ahead to more narrative-driven closing reels."
Takodjer i donosi prvi osvrt na bh. film Snijeg: "Aida Begic’ debut feature Snow had its world premiere as part of the Critics’ Week at the Cannes Film Festival. Like her Sarajevo Film School classmate Jasmila Zbanic, who won the Berlin Golden Bear in 2006 for her debut feature Grbavica (Esma's Secret), it looks at the plight of women in a country still trying to come to terms with its recent, violent past…."